Le 16 octobre, les élèves de première SELO ayant une spécialité scientifique se sont rendus à l’école britannique internationale de Moscou (BIS) afin d’assister aux projets de recherche scientifiques des élèves de cette école. Parmi les divers sujets abordés, figuraient l’écologie, les dangers du tabagisme et les conséquences de la malbouffe sur la santé.
Qu’ont-ils appris ? Découvrez l’article d’Anastasia, Charlyne et Lucine à ce sujet.
Equipe d’anglais et de DNL
On the 16th of October, we had the opportunity to visit the British International School of Moscow (BISM) and attend several presentations regarding various topics, including ecology, health and social challenges. The ones that intrigued us the most, were depicting the dangers of plastic. Those presentations were relevant as on the one side, we were shocked to discover the amount of plastic we consume unknowingly.
Microplastic Pollution in Waterways:
Did you know that microplastic could infiltrate your brain? Well, this presentation is the best way to find out more about microplastic pollution and its impact on our health.

Indeed, once the presentation was done, we’ve been quite surprised by the numerous severe effects of microplastic pollution on people, as different chemicals can leach from our plastic water bottles, knives and dermatologic products into our bodies. The compounds are linked to serious health issues such as endocrine disruption, insulin resistance, decreased reproductive health, and cancer.
Strategies to reduce microplastic pollution are therefore required, and this without harming the environment. In effect, this presentation also put to light some of the modern ways of production without any harm for environment, as well as natural techniques to reduce the amount of microplastic. For example, one of those is the use of natural organisms like algae and fungi, that can break down microplastics.

Anastasia and Ysaline with the presenters of the BISM
Par Anastasia, Charlyne et Lucine