Выставка Creating Wonderland

Группа ELCE 3e рада представить вам выставку Creating Wonderland, посвященную Приключениям Алисы в Стране чудес.

В сентябре-октябре 2023 мы изучали иллюстрации самого Льюиса Кэрролла, Джона Тенниела и других художников – и сделали свои собственные иллюстрации.

Один из наших проектов – бумажный театр, который позволяет создать для зрителя эффект 3D и который был очень популярен в викторианскую эпоху. В других проектах мы иллюстрировали разные главы в технике, которую выбрали сами.Мы рады представить вам здесь несколько работ и пригласить на нашу выставку.

Creating Wonderland In September – October 2023, the group of ELCE 3e worked on the book “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” written by Lewis Carroll in 1865.

Our general task was to discover and explore the book illustrations and make some illustrations by ourselves. We want to spark your imagination and impress you with our works.

For the examples of illustrations, we saw the works by John Tenniel, Salvador Dali and other artists. We can say that we were inspired by them.

One of our projects was the paper theatre. Victorian paper theatres are a way to create a 3D experience for the viewer, so you are immediately transported into another world. We saw a video about the Victoria and Albert Museum and the exhibition “Alice: Curiouser and Curiouser”. The museum was named after Queen Victoria who reigned in 1837-1901. The book that we studied was written in 1865, in the middle of the Victorian era.

Inspired by this museum, we made our own paper theatres. They have a few different layers and create a 3D effect. Each student chose his or her own chapter and added their own ideas into the project. We had some different results, even though we had the same instructions.

Another common project in which we participated was an illustration of the conversation between Alice and the Cheshire cat in chapter VI of the book. The task was to illustrate the dialogue in the technique we wanted.

In addition to these common projects, we were working on the illustrations in the technique that we liked and the chapter that we wanted, so we were completely open-minded about this project.

In the end, we have got many projects and illustrations. We created our own exhibition about Alice in Wonderland and now we want to show it to you. We hope that you will have a pleasant impression after watching it.

Par Sophiya, 3e A