Le projet MUN

4 élèves de Première et  7 élèves de Terminale ont participé  à la conférence de simulation des Nations Unies organisée par l’université MGIMO de Moscou.

Ils se sont mis dans la peau de délégués des Nations-Unies et ont débattu pendant plusieurs jours en français ou en anglais sur des résolutions qui portaient sur des questions mondiales essayant d’arriver à des compromis qui puissent satisfaire un maximum de pays et surtout proposant des solutions nouvelles.

Le retour des élèves: 

Anastasia: It was definitely a one of a kind experience. I will be forever grateful for our school who presented this opportunity. I was in the ECOSOC committee and we were dealing with:  The impact of unilateral extraterritorial coercive economic measures on the quality of life. All members were invested in resolving this issue and the atmosphere was as if we had known each other for years! Next year I will be sure to participate in MGIMO’s MUN. I encourage our students to participate as well in the following years. It will truly be one of my core memories!

Rim: A week to remember! I participated with my friends in the French committee and it was a great experience. Exchanging ideas, working on finding solutions together, meeting new people from different parts of the world, it really does teach you to work in a group as well as listen to what others have to say. I regret not doing it sooner!

Emma: All the participants were gathered at the famous Russian State University MGIMO. It was incredibly interesting to plunge into the atmosphere of the university. The project itself seemed very interesting to me and I consider the topics we discussed very important. The fact that the main audience was older than me motivated me to learn as much as possible in order to be able to participate in discussions and debates. I also met a lot of new people.
I am sure that next year I will definitely participate again.

Marie: Mon expérience en tant que déléguée au MUN était incroyable ! J’ai rencontré beaucoup de personnes géniales et j’en garde un excellent souvenir.  J’encourage vraiment les élèves à participer à cette simulation !